Wednesday, November 23, 2022

This has moved (a while ago) to WordPress

Not that anyone reads it but this moved to

Monday, June 26, 2017

Monday, January 07, 2013

Resuming... Coursera...

I thought I'd resume posting here... But my first post is better suited for another forum, so I'll just provide links to the Coursera LinkedIn group:

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Righteous rant

 Sybase does an awful job of this stuff, non null ints of size 1 2
and 4 have there own codes but nullable ints are lumped into INTN
- From comments in tds.h from FreeTDS

Friday, March 30, 2007

Java-to-Python converter

"Anything that can be done, could be done 'meta'" (© Charles Simonyi) is right up there with "Laziness, impatience and hubris" (© Larry Wall) as pithy description of my development philosophy. Also, unfortunately, there's another one: "Once it's clear how to proceed, why bother to proceed" (or something like that). So, with that in mind...

I wanted a Python client library for GData (thankfully, they released one last week, so this is moot -- good!), so I thought of automagically converting the Java library to Python. I tried Java2Python, but it's based on ANTLR grammar for Java 1.4, and the library, of course, is in Java 5. As I was relearning ANTLR and writing all these actions by hand (the pain!), I took a break and found Java 1.5 parser with AST generation and visitor suport by Julio Gesser (no relation, I presume?) and Sreenivasa Viswanadha, based on JavaCC. Aha! Much easier... But then, of course, Google releases the Python version of the library I needed in the first place, so I don't bother wrapping this project up... Here it is for whoever wants it:

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Poor Man's Tracepoints and a call sequence of a C program

My C is quite rusty, so to help me figure out the flow of a program, I thought I'd do with gdb what Tony Loton did with JPDA. Quickly giving myself a refresher on gdb, I thought tracepoints are the easiest way to go. Except that they are available only for remote targets, and

  1. There's no gdbserver on my host platform (Cygwin)
  2. The target platform does have it (good news!), but it doesn't support tracepoints (and some say, that few if any stubs even support it...

So I wrote a silly Perl script to read ctags information, create breakpoints on every function entry, print the arguments and resume. I haven't bothered to figure out where to use pure MI vs. CLI commands, and in general I have no clue...

Now, what I think would be interesting is making this an add-on, using CDT (or, more generically, via Eclipse Debug Framework) and GEF... I envision something like a call graph (with exclusions of course, because it will become too big), which grows as you step through, displaying arguments. Could be a quick way to get a picture of how a program works before just reading the code and keeping stuff in your head...

In related news, upgrading to Eclipse 3.2.2 I lost the "Remote debugging" launch configuration. (Ironically, the reason for the attempted upgrade was to see whether a bug with hardcoded remote port has been fixed (it appeared that it's always 4305, no matter what you put in; while the default one is 1234, which is the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage.). Which brings me to the "Zero information content" of various blogs/articles out there (which this blog is trying not to be). Thank you, Bill Graham, for pointing out that "the 'vanilla' CDT from [...] doesn't support remote target debugging", thus leading me in my Google search to your article which doesn't tell me how to fix it, nor does it tell me much of anything... There, I vented. (The answer, BTW, is to get Target Management, who knew...)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stalin and high tech

Since Overstream embedding is now fixed, here...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Continuous integration with code coverage in Python


This code has been integrated into the main tree.

I decided it would be good to have a coverage report of our Python code, with nice visualization like Clover. So I took Ron Smith's PyAntTasks, and added py-cover task to them. This will run coverage for every test, and a cumulative one. In other words, you can see what code a particular test exercises, and what code all the tests in your tree exercise.

This also modifies py-test task to include packagedtests attribute - see below.

The newly added py-cover task runs Ned Batchelder's (download it separately), and is specified as follows in your build.xml:

<tests dir=".">
    <include name="**">

<src dir="${quickRoot}">
     <include name="**/*.py">
     <include name="*.py">

Here, <tests> is a FileSet specifying tests to run, <src;> is a FileSet specifying source code to cover. The attributes are:

  • reportsDir - where the coverage reports go

  • packagedtests - this idiosyncrasy is prompted by our tree setup. If this attribute is true it means that the test files reside in Python packages, false otherwise. (In our case, they do not; they are in the tree but are not packages. Note that the original py-test task assumed they are in packages, I ahve changed this too).

  • coverage - path to on your system (which you downloaded separately, right?)

P.S. I know about the thingie, but I rolled my own (uglier, of course) for this one.

Monday, February 12, 2007

XmlRpc for AS 3.0 HOWTO

Since people ask (in emails, at the short-lived MT version of this blog and on flexcoders@yahoo), here is how I use it. (DISCLAIMER: as I've mentioned, I hacked this from the original when I was just starting with Flex 2, so I gutted some code before I knew what the hell I was doing, but in this state it works for me...)

I use Flex Builder. I have the contents of the zip file right in my Flex Builder project. (NOTE: This was before I read that flex should not be a part of a package name per Adobe's license; change it, willya?)

Then I choose have a simple facade like so:

package com.qbf.flex.ct {
  // Insert correct imports here, of course...

  public class Utils {
    public static function serverCall(method:String, 
                                          handler:Function): void {, 

    public static const SERVER_CALL:XmlRpcService = 
   new XmlRpcService("http://localhost:8081/", 
                        Application.application.url.indexOf("http://") == 0? null :
   null :
   // This is explained further below... 

And from everywhere else in the code I use Utils.serverCall() as follows:

var params:Array = [{value : resdefDataToServer, type: "struct"}, 
uri, server];
Utils.serverCall("doStuff", params,
        // This callback will be executed when the server 
        // call returns
 function(result:Object):void {

Notice that you only need to specify types for parameters if it's not a string. If all your parameters are string, you can just pass an array of their values to the serverCall() -- a little sugar...

Now about this QbfFakeResponse.SINGLETON business (it's not necessary, just use null in its place if you don't need it). The definition of SERVER_CALL checks whether the application URL starts with http:// -- in my case, it means that it's running "for real". If it is running in Flex Builder's debugger, the URL will start with file://, and so I will use "fake" responses to simulate server calls (this is sometimes useful for debugging, so that I don't have to run a server). This fake response class is an implementation of com.qbf.flex.util.xmlrpc.FakeResponse interface. All you need to do is implement getResponse() method and return whatever you need by checking the method name and parameters provided.